Start of apprenticeship 2022 at MÜLLER
MÜLLER will continue to offer proper training in 2022. On August 1, six trainees and one dual student started their professional life. After eight trainees have already successfully completed their training this year, it was necessary to "step up" in terms of trainees. This is essential for us, as we want to shape the future of MÜLLER Umwelttechnik with these young people.
The entire MÜLLER team wishes the newcomers all the best and every success!
Back row from left to right: Joschua Kuffner (Training Manager), Dr. Volkwin Müller (Managing Director), Ludwig Klotzkowski (Human Resources Manager).
Middle row from left to right: Emre Dincer (M), Silas Müller (DS), Florian Hupe (M), Florian Matthias (M), Sven Funk (M)
Front row from left to right: Vivian Schröder (L), Kim Wienke (I)
(M)= Metal worker commercial vehicle construction, (I)= Industrial clerk, (DS)= Dual student mechanical engineering, (L)= Warehouse logistics specialist
Further information:
Ludwig Klotzkowski
MÜLLER Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Julius-Müller-Str. 3
32816 Schieder-Schwalenberg
Tel.: +49 5284_709 162
Fax: +49 5284_709 135